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Showing posts from December, 2023
 What is Competitive Programming/ Coding and How to Prepare for It? Competitive programming, also known as competitive coding or sport programming, is a type of intellectual sport that involves solving well-defined algorithmic and computational problems within a specified time frame. Participants, often referred to as competitive programmers, use programming languages to write efficient and correct solutions to these problems. Here's a guide on how to prepare for competitive programming: 1. Learn a Programming Language: Choose a programming language you are comfortable with. Popular choices include C++, Java, and Python . Most competitive programming platforms support multiple languages. 2. Understand Data Structures and Algorithms: Gain a strong understanding of fundamental data structures (arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees) and algorithms (sorting, searching, dynamic programming, greedy algorithms). Learn advanced data structures (heaps, hash tables, segment trees) and