Prime Game February long challenge 2021 solution with code and explanation - Problem statement - Chef and Divyam are playing a game with the following rules: First, an integer X ! X ! is written on a board. Chef and Divyam alternate turns; Chef plays first. In each move, the current player should choose a positive integer D D which is divisible by up to Y Y distinct primes and does not exceed the integer currently written on the board. Note that 1 1 is not a prime. D D is then subtracted from the integer on the board, i.e. if the integer written on the board before this move was A A , it is erased and replaced by A − D A − D . When one player writes 0 0 on the board, the game ends and this player wins. Given X X and Y Y , determine the winner of the game. Input The first line of the input contains a single integer T T denoting the number of test cases. The description of T T test cases follows. The first and only line of each test case contains two space-sepa
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