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codeforces rating system | Codeforces rating Newbie to Legendary Grandmaster

 Codeforces rating system | Codeforces rating Newbie to Legendary Grandmaster- Codeforces is one of the most popular platforms for competitive programmers and  codeforces rating matters a lot  .  Competitive Programming  teaches you to find the easiest solution in the quickest possible way. CP enhances your problem-solving and debugging skills giving you real-time fun. It's brain-sport. As you start solving harder and harder problems in live-contests your analytical and rational thinking intensifies. To have a good codeforces profile makes a good impression on the interviewer. If you have a good  codeforces profile so it is very easy to get a referral for product base company like amazon, google , facebook etc.So in this blog I have explained everything about codeforces rating system. What are different titles on codeforces- based on rating codeforces divide rating into 10 part. Newbie Pupil Specialist Expert Candidate Codemaster Master International Master Grandmaster Internat

codeforces Fence Problem solution div 2 | codeforces problem for beginner

 codeforces Fence Problem solution div 2- This Problem is totally based on a property of quadrilateral before going to solution it is recommended that try this problem yourself first. Link of problem- Problem Statement- A. Fence time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Yura is tasked to build a closed fence in shape of an arbitrary non-degenerate simple quadrilateral. He's already got three straight fence segments with known lengths  a a ,  b b , and  c c . Now he needs to find out some possible integer length  d d  of the fourth straight fence segment so that he can build the fence using these four segments. In other words, the fence should have a quadrilateral shape with side lengths equal to  a a ,  b b ,  c c , and  d d . Help Yura, find any possible length of the fourth side. A non-degenerate simple quadrilateral is such a quadrilateral that no three of its cor