Replace for X codechef October long challenge solution -
This Problem is taken from CodeChef October long challenge.
Problem Statement-
You are given an array of N integers A1,A2,…,AN and three more integers X,p, and k.
An operation on the array is defined to be: replace the k-th smallest integer in the array with any integer you want.
Output the minimum number of operations you must perform on the array (possibly 0 operations) to make the p-th smallest element of the array equal to X. If it is impossible to do so output −1.
Note: the k-th smallest number in an array is the k-th number from the left when the array is sorted in non-decreasing order.
- The first line of the input contains a single integer T denoting the number of test cases. The description of T test cases follows.
- The first line of each test case contains four integers N,X,p,k respectively.
- The second line contains N space-separated integers A1,A2,…,AN.
For each test case, print a single line containing one integer ― the minimum number of operations you must perform to make X the p-th smallest element or −1 if its impossible to do so.
- 1≤T≤100
- 1≤p,k≤N
- 0≤X≤109
- The sum of N over all test cases does not exceed 4∗105
- 0≤Ai≤109 for each valid i
Subtask #1 (10 points): N≤5
Subtask #2 (40 points): The sum of N over all test cases does not exceed 3∗103
Subtask #3 (50 points): Original constraints
5 4 3 4
4 9 7 0 8
2 25 1 2
100 20
Example Output
Example case 1:
- We can perform one operation in the array. Take the k-th smallest integer of the current array (which is 8 in this case) and replace it with 0. The array then becomes [4,9,7,0,0] which now makes 4 as the 3rd smallest number of the array.
Example case 2:
- It is impossible to make 25 as the smallest number of the array.
Since a note is mentioned in question that
Note: the k-th smallest number in an array is the k-th number from the left when the array is sorted in non-decreasing order.
So first of all we will sort our array/vector in non-decreasing order so that we can find kth smalles number.
then p=p-1;
because index is starting from 0 in my code so i did previous step.
I have written a solution function which return minumum number of operation reequired.
Now Let's jump into logic.
1-first of all i will check is(v[p]==X) if it is true i will simply return 0 because in this case i already have my answer.
2-now i will maintain a count variable which count total operation required.
3-Main logic start from here since out array is sorted till now so we have three choices from here if(k>p),if(k<p) and if(k==p) and
in every 3 case these 3 case also contain two-two cases if(v[p]<x) and if(v[p]>x).
4- if(k>p) and if(v[p]<x) in this case we never reach to final solution so i will return -1 in this case.
if (k>p) && v[p]> x in this case i can reach to my solution and i will try to add some smaller value at k so that i can shift
value at p toward k ans every time i increase my value by one.
5- same if (k<p) this case is totally opposite of case 4.
6- if (k==p)
in this case i can reach to my solution
if(v[p]>x) i have to shift pth value to left
and if(v[p]<x) i will shift pth value to right
and count ans.
finllay i return ans which tells minimum way to get final solution.
code of this problem
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